Pastor Lanre Alabi

About: Pastor Lanre Alabi

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  • Role : Faculty Board OAP
  • Website :
  • Experience : Spiritual advocacy and Followership
  • Specialist in : Training, Engineering, and Church Growth
Classes Handling
Class Name Class Type
The Inclusion Factor - (IF) online
Topics Handling
Course Name Lesson Name Complexity Length
Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP) Vision Pt 2c Easy 21 mins
Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP) Vision Pt 2b 21 mins
Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP) Vision Pt 2a 24 mins
Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP) Innovation and You Pt 1b Easy 23 mins
Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP) Innovation and You Pt 1a 24 mins

Pastor Lanre Alabi is the Director of the Loveworld Church Growth International, the Director of Loveworld Foundation School and the Zonal Director of Christ Embassy Chad.

An astute Engineer by corporate profession, quintessential and erudite, Pastor Lanre is a teacher every student wants to listen to. His course topic “The Inclusion Factor” is a game changer, this course topic immediately shows you that truly, the lesser is included in the greater. Do you have a vison? Does it give you clarity and direction? Stay tuned and learn from Pastor Lanre.