Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP)

Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP)

Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP)

To be prepared for the future, you must understand the mindset that drives it.

Our faculty experts at the helm of the “Orientation Acceleration Program” have scanned the horizon to evaluate how today’s emerging knowledge and advancement of the gospel will lead God’s children in innovative technologies.

Staying one step ahead of next-generation technology is the place to start.


The next step?

Building a business model embedded with, driven by, and carried out in collaboration with our orientation program knowledge and emerging technologies.

The examination for knowledge validation is a sublime landing we all must consolidate on , at LIIT, we prune your vision, give you a purpose and nurture your success into any ecosystem you choose to succeed in.

Orientation Acceleration Program (OAP) – The is the LIIT’s pre-requisite course, our onboarding course, it is a major course which forms the core curriculum of our framework in the pathway to gain for our young people the advantage of the ministry and mindset exchange which leads to building in them the ability to learn – unlearn – relearn.

LIIT’s “Orientation Acceleration Program” offers a dynamic introduction that resets and reprogram the individual for a new level of growth and accelerated mindset for life, leadership and entrepreneurship. This was the intentional reason for creating the modules under the OAP as a stimulant to strengthening, and re-culturing our young people to know that, why they are going into the area of innovation is service and nation building and not just for the commercial purpose. Everyone, would have been indoctrinated one way or the other, coming into LIIT, we make them sterile and upload in them the right information to set them on the right path of knowledge to identify with the correct pathway of success (finding their purpose in God and looking out for a human need and reaching out to meet it). At LIIT, “we open up your mind, unlock your talents and build your dream”.

• The “Orientation Acceleration Program” offers a dynamic introduction to unscripted insight, such as:

  1. Inclusion factor (IF),
  2. Divine factor (DF),
  3. Success factor (SF)
  4. Spiritual intelligence (SI (Spiritual Intelligence) (M – Meditation) and explores their implications for success in life.

Program Modules

• The examination for knowledge validation is a sublime landing we all must consolidate on, at LIIT, we prune your vision, give you a purpose and nurture your success into any ecosystem you choose to succeed in.

Module 1: Introduction to Inclusion Factor – the lesser is included in the greater: • The Power of Vision – Vision gives you direction and clarity. Vision gives structure which gives system and it’s the life wire of everything.

Module 2: Success Factor – Understand not only why your mindset is a disruption that needs to be consistently updated, but also how your organization can benefit now and, in the future, examine the privacy and security mechanisms within the mind, and explore amazing techniques, that leads to only one pathway “SUCCESS”

Module 3: Spiritual Intelligence – Discover how current and potential understanding of SI, SQ, and M could be a game changer for you, explore the advanced decision-making potential of reinforcement learning, and live the best of generative Spiritual intelligence.

Module 4: Automating the Divine Factor – purpose, being conscious of the divine factor, “The power and pursuit of purpose”, a must for every entrant into the institute

At the end of this program, attendees will be able to:

• Know the power of vision – Vision gives you direction and clarity. Vision gives structure which gives system and it’s the life wire of everything.

• Understand purpose, being conscious of the divine factor, “The power and pursuit of purpose”, a must for every entrant into the institute

• Understand success. What success is, knowing this is the first step.

• Evaluate the potential and evolution of disruptive technologies.

• Compare successful and unsuccessful disruptive technology business ventures.

• Examine how using Spiritual intelligence can foster the economy of nations.

• Identify potential applications, products and platforms in technology needed to foster the advancement of the gospel.

Course Intro Video


  1. Vision Pt 2a

  2. Vision Pt 2b

  3. Vision Pt 2c

  4. The Success Factor 1a

  5. The Success Factor 1b

  6. Spiritual Intelligence - 1 - Introduction

  7. Spiritual Intelligence - Part 2 - Concepts

  8. Spiritual Intelligence - Part 3 - Principles

  9. Spiritual Intelligence - Part 4- Meditation


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