Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurship Development

This is a custom-built programme at the LIIT; it’s a monthly/quarterly programme that involves both theory and practical.

The course is created to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, skill, and knowledge in young people in Loveworld and others in the external context;  to empower them to become wealth creators, thereby empowering the entire community to alleviate poverty in its full ramification.

The main activities of the Course are in three broad categories:

  • Coordinating and teaching the literacy perspectives on entrepreneurship.
  • Coordination of practical demonstrations in selected Entrepreneurial fields; and
  • Community impact and capacity building initiatives.

The specific objectives include the following:

  • Creating and developing entrepreneurial literacy and opportunities.
  • Imparting entrepreneurial skills in our young people.
  • Enhancing the capacity of our young potential and practicing entrepreneurs who desire to learn transformational skills that will make them vision–empowered and self-driven.
  • Making employers of labor in our young people, thereby depleting the unemployment market globally.
  • Stimulating the development and growth of entrepreneurship in Loveworld, vis-à-vis globally.
  • Provision of market linkages; working with Loveworld grown entrepreneurs.


  1. Idea generation

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